

Therapy 2 Thrive provides Occupational Therapy services to enable people to participate in everyday life activities focusing on the individual’s needs, strengths, goals, support network and environment to ensure a holistic service.


Therapy 2 Thrive is a community-based service providing services in the person’s natural environment including their home, preschool, school, day programs, work, supported accommodation settings and other relevant settings for the person.


At this stage, we are only providing services to children with NDIS Plans that are Plan-Managed or Self-Managed.

Our services

Self-Care Skill Development

Activities of daily living such as eating, drinking, showering/bathing, toileting, personal hygiene and sleep.

Fine & Gross Motor Skill Development

Enabling participation in activities of daily living, play, handwriting, school, work, leisure and recreation activities.

Assistive Technology Prescriptions

Prescription of aids and equipment including manual and power wheelchairs, scooters, toileting and showering aids, transfer aids/hoists, specialised beds and chairs, pressure relief devices and mealtime equipment.

24-Hour Positioning

Optimising functional postures to enhance personal health, wellbeing and comfort.

Transport Advice

Safety and comfort when travelling within a vehicle or when travelling in a wheelchair in a vehicle.

Sensory Processing & Emotional Regulation

Supporting people to manage their sensory preferences and needs within their environment.

Functional Skills Assessments

To provide an understanding a person’s functional skills and needs in activities of daily living.


Our fees are based upon NDIS hourly rates for Improved Daily Living and described in our Service Agreement which will be discussed with you during our initial appointment.

These fees are subject to change according to the NDIS Price Guide.

    Contact us
    Open Hours

    9am - 5pm
    Monday to Friday